On March 18, 2022, my husband, Bill Gregory, lost his battle to pancreatic cancer. This post is a hard one to write. I'm saying good-bye to my best friend. This blog was named by him and he pushed me to do it because he knew how much I loved to cook and talk about food. So this is a special tribute to my Billy.

I want to share the message my daughter, Elena, said at his service because the message should be heard. It's what Bill taught all of us. Moving forward, moving onward, and not to worry about the silly stuff. I encourage you to read it and share it with your loved ones.

I sang the song "Hallelujah" to him the day he passed as I held him close. His eyes met mine and I wanted him not to be afraid. He was going to a better place and would no longer be in pain.

He fought hard for 2 ½ years. They gave him 6 months but he refused to concede. He was a warrior, a true fighter. I don't care how big you are, how many fights you've been in, or how much weight you can lift; Bill will forever be the strongest man I know. He kept his pain quiet because he didn't want us to worry. The doctors all thought he was a champion. A champion that loved his family so much, he didn't want to leave us.

But, it was time. We said our good-byes and cried like hell. That day, and almost everyday since, we've seen cardinals appear out of no where. The cardinals sit on branches and on the fence right outside our window, facing us directly, and fly past us when we least expect it. They say the cardinal is a sign that loved ones we've lost will live forever as long as we think of them and keep them in our hearts. And that we shall.

We love you Billy. We all love you very much, forever and always. Go be free and enjoy whatever it is you're doing. Have a scotch with Dad and Grandpa. Hallelujah.
Today, and everyday, for you dad. We love you.
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